Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Time Period

Local News:

"Local Vet Fired Over Possible Cruelty" via KWHI News

"DA Given Results of Dead Cat Investigation" via Brenham-Banner Press

Both of these stories have to do directly with the case of Tiger the cat. As Brenham is a small town, the local news rarely has multiple stories to cover at the same time, so a lot of the news in April had to do with this story.

National News:

"A Menagerie of Childhood Pets" via NY Times

"KNOW IT ALL: Today's Top 7 Stories..."via NBC

The #1 story on NBC during April of 2015 was about the Baltimore Riots. It is no secret that now (the 2010s) is a time of great social controversy in the United States, so it makes sense that much of the news coverage has to do with civil rights.

International News:

"April 2015 Current Events: World News" via infoplease.com

"MH370 Families Question Malaysian Evidence" via CNBC

While April of 2015 was well after the Malaysian Airline Crisis, the news was still going viral. This was around the time that evidence of debris from the alleged plane crash was found on Reunion Island, but families of the deceased were not so ready to accept this evidence as fact.

George, Ellie "My Cute AF Dog" 06/12/2014

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