While I haven't been able to find any sources that are in defense of Kristen Lindsey, there are very many biased against her. The first few articles that I list have a clear bias, but will still be very helpful to me for this project.
Source 1: "Veterinarian Kristen Lindsey is a Sociopath" by Carole R Davis via www.medium.com
Now this is a website where anyone can post anything they want, but isn't that the entire internet? While not everything on this site is academically or professionally credible, this particular article allows me to get a certain perspective of one of the stakeholders: those concerned with the well-being of animals. Carole R Davis is a published author living in LA, as well as an animal rights activist. Many of her social media posts have to do with animal rights, so even though she does not live in the place that the incident occurred, she has plenty of concern for animals everywhere. The source came out April 21, 2015 very shortly after the incident occurred, but investigations were still ongoing. This allows me to see this stakeholder's kneejerk reaction to the incident.
Sources 2 & 3: "Vet Brags About Shooting Cat With Arrow" and "Victory for Tiger" both by Sarah V Schweig via The Dodo
This site is completely dedicated to animal news, so naturally it is geared towards animal lovers and is therefore biased against Lindsey. There is a small staff of animal-loving writers, editors, etc of which Sarah V Schweig is a Staff Reporter in Brooklyn, NY. She is a graduate of UVA as well as Columbia, recipient of the David Craig Austen Memorial Award, and a published author. The first article was released April 19, 2015 and the second on October 1, 2015. The first article is similar to many of the news articles that came out shortly after the incident, but the second one provides an update on the situation from the same author, which I thought was cool.
Source 4: "Justice for Tiger" Facebook Page
Facebook is pretty self-explanatory, but it was not make public who created the page. This is a place for supporters from all over the world to voice their opinion, weigh in, and post updates about Kristen Lindsey and Tiger's case. I think that this source will be particularly helpful to me because I am able to go back to the beginning and see a chronology of not only events, but emotions felt by the supporters of Justice for Tiger.
Source 5: "Kristen Lindsey: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know" by Tom Cleary via Heavy News
Heavy is a news website similar to a young Huffington Post. Tom Cleary does not have much personal information online, but the rest of his articles on Heavy follow a similar "5 Fact" format, and they are all very informative and to the point. This design makes my job a lot easier, and this article provided me with more specific information that was not in many of the other emotional articles. It was published June 25, 2015, so it was a few months after the occurrence, which might be why it is less emotional and more factual.
Source 6: "Vet Board Seeks to Revoke License..." by Arin Greenwood via Huffington Post
Huffington Post is widely accepted as a credible source for breaking news. This article was published October 1, 2015, so like the last one it provides an "after the fact" sort of perspective. Arin Greenwood is a former lawyer who graduated from Columbia Law, so that gives her a unique perspective and input on this case, since it has been taken to Austin County Supreme Court. She is also a published author, and many of her stories on Huffington Post have to do with animals and their mistreatment, which tells me that she truly cares about this issue and is not just writing it because she knows people will read it.
Source 7: "American Vet Med Association Not Happy With..." via KBTX News
This video is from a Texas News Station, and it is the first source I found that is actually from a local perspective. It presented information that I had not found anywhere else, and since it was originally a live broadcast I would assume that they checked their facts before putting it all on television. It was released June 28, 2015 right after the Austin County Grand Jury released their decision to dismiss the case against Lindsey due to lack of evidence.
Source 8: Austin County Grand Jury Press Release
I'll admit I had to look up some legal terms when I read this, but I think it will prove to be a great source while I write my QRG because there is nothing but facts. It is an official statement from the county explaining why they couldn't convict Kristen Lindsey of any crime due to lack of concrete evidence. It is imperative that I have this side of the story because it is so easy to get caught up in the emotional aspect and forget the legal aspect.
Source 9: "Texas Veterinarian Who Killed Cat Appeals License Suspension" by Cathy M Rosenthal via MySanAntonio
My San Antonio is another local Texas news website. This article was posted January 22, 2016 so it is very recent, which is good because it provides me with information on where the case is today and what the future of it looks like. Cathy M Rosenthal writes for the "Animals Matter" section of the site, so she is clearly concerned with animal rights, or at least their general well being.
Source 10: "#JusticeForTiger on Twitter"
THIS is probably my favorite source, but gives me the least credible information. I can get the opinions and views of different stakeholders in the situation, and potential access to new articles on the issue, but not as much solid, factual information as some of the other sources. Obviously the authors vary by tweet, but in general there is a mix of adolescents, adults, professionals, and public media.
I truly believe that all of these sources will be helpful to me in my composition of this project, if not by providing factual information then by providing better insight for me personally, making it easier to relay the information to you.
Wymer, Laura, "Alright Get This Bitch Away From Me"12/02/2012 via Facebook, Public Domain
Incase the fact that I'm a dog person by a landslide gave anyone doubt, I clearly still love kitties.
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