Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Revising My Writing Process

Oh man, my calendar and writing process posts from the beginning of the semester made me laugh a little bit. In that post I expressed how I was a "Heavy Planner/ Procrastinator" mix. If I were completely honest I'm more on the procrastination side.

Over the course of this semester I've realized that writing is only enjoyable for me when I truly care about my content. And my interest can definitely fluctuate throughout the process. Sometimes I find myself making an incredibly detailed outline, or planning my writing to the very last detail because I'm so interested in it, but then I feel like that's it. I don't want to actually create the final product because I've learned what I needed to learn and said what I've needed to say in outline form, and it is out of my system and I want to just move on to the next thing.

If anything I think my time management was worse than usual this semester, but the fact that I realize that will help me to manage it better in the future. Before this course, I could write a standard essay easily and make it technically perfect, meet requirements of a rubric, etc. But it would all be bullshit and I wouldn't really care about the content at all.

Moving forward, I think this class has shown me how I can mold any writing situation to fit my interests. That is when I do my best work and manage my time efficiently because I'll enjoy the process instead of speeding through it just wishing it were over.

In the future I definitely think that my personality and values will show in my writing much more than they have in the past. As I move towards graduation and enter into the professional world I can use the skills that I learned in this class to show potential employers the type of person and worker that I am, and it will be easier for me to express the value that I will bring to the workplace.

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