Saturday, April 2, 2016

My Rhetorical Action Plan

1. Audience:

My audience most likely has a general knowledge of livestock farming, they know that the animals are treated poorly and that the conditions are unsanitary and horrible. Most have seen or heard of documentaries such as Food Inc. that outline the horrors of the industry, but they have only seen what they CHOOSE to see, and who wants to look up pictures of tortured animals in their spare time? Not many. They don't want to because it makes them sad or uncomfortable, but what my audience needs to realize is that this reality doesn't stop being reality just because they aren't looking at it. I'm not going to put TOO many graphic images or footage in my video essay, but there will be some. There will be enough to make people uncomfortable and hopefully uncomfortable enough to realize that it shouldn't be happening.

2. Genre:

The video essay is the best option for my argument because it will really aid the emotional impact that I hope to have on my audience. My video will most likely have a "vlog" style to it, as I do plan on talking in front of the camera for part of it. Not only can I use footage of real animal farms, but I can also insert images and graphics to help explain the factual aspect of my argument. It will help explain the direct and indirect effects of animal agriculture.

3. Responses:

I think people will respond in a number of ways. Hopefully responses will be respectful, I aim to make my video as unthreatening as possible, because people will tend to get angry and defensive if I make them feel like their lifestyle is wrong. Some people might have more  questions, since I can't fit EVERYTHING about veganism into one video, I can recommend other informative videos, websites, documentaries for the curious responses. Some people might think I'm crazy, if they have the typical human mindset that we are the most powerful beings in the universe and animals were put here solely for  our use, enjoyment, and palette pleasures. Honestly there are so many ways someone can react, but I think all of the reactions will come from discomfort or fear.

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