Monday, April 4, 2016

Analyzing Purpose

1. The purpose of my public argument is to educate individuals on the animal agriculture industry and illustrate how detrimental it is to the earth and ultimately to our bodies. I hope that my video essay makes people feel uncomfortable. I mean, I guess I know it will, but I hope that people realize that IF something makes them uncomfortable, or uneasy, that there is probably something wrong with it and it shouldn't be happening.


3. One possible reaction to my video essay is that a person might decide to cut certain animal products from their diet. For a lot of people, going vegan is a HUGE lifestyle change, but some change is better than no change at all. If a person decided to cut back on their animal product intake, it could have a lot of environmental and health benefits. For example, if someone were to give up red meat, they would be saving 2,500 gallons of water for every pound they previously ate. 

4. It is really hard to tell who is most likely swayed by a vegan argument. One might say that vegetarians are the most likely to switch, but its really up in the air. I wasn't a vegetarian before I became a vegan, if anything I was someone that no one expected to ever be vegan. I think that compassionate and emotional people are likely to be heavily influenced by my argument, as well as environmentalists and people that are concerned with their personal health. 

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