Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

For Project 1, I am going to commit to the Quick Reference Guide genre. I feel that this genre is most appropriate for the Controversy Postmortem because it will make it easy to stay factual and impartial.

I think the conventions of this genre are perfect because I can use the subheadings and bullet points to keep everything organized. My particular content, the story of Kristen Lindsey and the revocation of her veterinary license, should be relayed in a chronological order. The QRG will allow me to organize in so many different ways, it's a dream come true.

I feel pretty good about this project in general, but I wouldn't say that I'm extremely excited about it if I'm being honest. It is going to be really hard to not voice my own opinion. I think my biggest challenge for this particular project will be to keep everything concise and have it all fit on one page. There are a lot of facts about my topic and I will need to be very selective in what I prioritize for the QRG.

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