Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Investigating Genres: Video Essays

1. What purpose does this genre usually serve?

The "Video Essay" genre allows viewers to receive the same information as a traditional essay, while also providing visual reinforcement. These videos help prove whatever point the composer is trying to make by using a combination of still images, text, and monologue to add emotion, provide examples, or even to cater to parts of their audience who may be more visual learners.

2. Where, how, or in what context do readers usually find this genre?

Video essays can be found in a number of places on the internet such as Youtube, Vimeo, Netflix, etc. Most video essays that are on tapes, dvds, or other physical recording devices can often be found online as well. Viewers of these essays may find them by using a search engine, or they may happen upon them while doing other research or web-surfing. The most popular place for video essays right now is Youtube.

3. Who is the typical audience for this genre?

The genre is probably geared towards youths and young adults, but anyone can enjoy a video essay if they are interested in the topic. A lot of Millennials, Gen Ys, and Gen Xs frequent sites like Youtube in order to watch videos, although not all of the videos are necessarily "Video Essays" many of them do fit the bill.

4. What are some of the key features or characteristics that are unique to this genre, distinguishing it from other texts?

The main feature that distinguishes this genre from others is the visual effect. The viewer can SEE the author, or SEE examples or pictures or video clips that the author utilizes to aid what he/she is saying. In a time where media and technology are advancing so rapidly, a contemporary genre like this one is bound to skyrocket in regards to popularity.

5. Based on your answers to the questions above, come up with a definition in your own words for this genre. 

Video Essays are videos that use countless combinations of still imagery, text, video clips, monologue, etc. in conjunction with audio in order to entertain and/or educate the audience on a particular topic.

From reading the posts of my classmates, I gained much better insight into the QRG and Podcast genres. For the Quick Reference Guide, I definitely needed some clarification as to the purpose, and what information needs to be prioritized. I enjoyed reading about the Podcast genre because I have enjoyed many podcasts throughout the years and am excited to make my own! I think that they are a great way to spark discussion, express interest in a particular topic, or just ramble/argue about something you are passionate about.


  1. I like how you gave examples of where someone could find a video essay--Youtube--and clearly presented the benefits of using a video essay. The use of all capitals to emphasize how a video essay actually allows to audience to interact with the sources presented in the argument was also effective since it made me stop and really think about how I could use a video essay to strengthen the logos of my arguments. I could see the video essay being a very impactful tool to use in the interview or argumentative projects this semester, thanks to your description.

    1. Thanks so much, I'm glad to hear that and I appreciate it!

  2. Ellie,

    Before I read this I hadn't thought of the benefits that video has on those who are visual learners. I probably would have just used visuals that I personally think are pleasing to look at rather than catering to an audience to create a genuine learning experience. An essay can be so well reinforced with good use of visuals, and I'm grateful that you shared this in your post!! Maybe it'll be the difference between an A or an F. Who knows.

  3. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.

  4. For the Read/Reply Reflects: Revisit Step 1.10 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with what the prompt is asking for….. “Be sure to also list who you replied to and provide working hyperlinks to each individual’s post (NOTE: if these links aren’t included or don’t work or if the page it directs us to is blocked from public view, I will not be able to assign you full credit for this exercise)” (Step 1.10).
