Sunday, May 1, 2016

Draft of Open Letter

I'm a little wary of the letter genre, that's really my main concern... I am not exactly sure how formal my draft will be, it might end up like one of those horrible Odyssey "open letter" articles, but I guess we'll see. I know I will need to make it longer and elaborate more, but as of now its kind of a skeleton of my letter.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ellie!
    I love that you decided to put a spin on the projects and do an Open Letter for Project 4. This allows for so much flexibility and I feel like you are able to get your voice out there and keep it interesting solely for the structure that is an Open Letter. You are definitely on the right track and you do hit all the target areas but I would suggest making the letter flow a little more. I think if you work on the transitions between each paragraph and add to your word choice, that would make the biggest difference! I know you said this is just a rough draft, so for your final just make it sound a little less "blocky" and standard, and more like a casual letter to a friend. Keep up the great work, I'm excited to see how it turns out!
