Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Schedule

Getting everything done for Project 2 will hopefully be easier for me than Project 1.

I have already conducted interviews, and gotten most of my genre examples, but it wouldn't hurt to get a few more just so I can pick and choose when the time comes.

Finding more genre examples is number 1 on my list, and it would be best for me to do it in the library so I have the internet and physical texts at my disposal. I can summarize, analyse, and distinguish the differences in the examples from the same genre. This will be done on Wednesday evening, March 9th.

Once I have that research done, it's honestly just a matter of putting it all into an essay. I'm pretty good at writing organized and well thought out essays once I have all my information. I'm hoping to have this first rough draft done before I leave on Spring Break...even though I'm not going out of the country (or state even), I just know I won't get anything substantial done.

Once I come back from break, I can edit this first rough draft, and go from there. I think it will be really good to have that week off to take a step back from the project, but not forget about it completely. I'll be able to read my draft with fresh eyes and catch any mistakes, or get a feel of whether or not it flows well.

Here is a simplified version of my plan:

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